Cluster Dave

About the Teacher

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This is my story.

My name is David and I am 45 years old, Suffered from 15 to 39, with attacks of CEFALEA IN RACIMOS (Suicide Migraine, Cluster Headache), the attacks normally came twice a year, with an approximate duration of 3 consecutive months with repetitions from 1 to 3 attacks per day, with a minimum duration of 2 to 23 hours.

Due to the lack of information, I was never diagnosed, I did not know what was happening to me or where it came from ... I simply accepted it, since as it came, it left.

The day I found the cure, reading on the Internet about a Harvard study, (
I simultaneously found out I suffer cluster headaches.

I tried everything, regular and alternative medicine, magnets, tomography, acupuncture, about doses of medications to pass out ..., and I tried to make an account of how many episodes I've had in my life, and I already lost count in episode number 26 ( and by episode I understand periods of 1 to 3 months, where they give me attacks of 2 hr up to 23 hours in a row, every day, for up to 3 consecutive months), my 23-hour attacks were attacks of approximately 1 to two and a half hours with 20 to 30 minutes of rest to continue attacking again another two hours, leave me 30 minutes and so on until 23 hours .... My condition is described as VERY SEVERE and when these attacks begin, I need to talk to my neighbors, and explain why is that I will be screaming every day from 11 pm until more or less if I am lucky, 5 am, where already after so many repetitions of that incessant and sharp stabbing pain, I faint, either from pain, exhaustion or from medication That are useless.

I already tried all the medications, all the therapies, all the doctors, acupuncture, cables in my head ... I have been with the attacks inside a machine while I was doing tomography, and I have nothing ... I have tried with chiropractors, therapeutic massages, relaxing, improve the diet cut this or that, stop going to work, ..... if also, I tried the magnets, Bach flowers, Tryptamines, 1 bottle of tramadol a day for months, anticholinergic treatments Cold showers, hot showers, ice,

the towel rolled around the neck, inducing vomiting, banging my head against the wall, anything to find relief, and everything you can imagine, and NOTHING WORKS, What I do is to look for the strongest medicine, and to dose myself with it to try to pass out for a few hours, and that THE BEAST no longer attacks me.

Imagine that on any given day you wake up in the middle of the night feeling your eye is drilled. Literally. No metaphors. As if they slowly introduced a hot metal rod into your eye until it touched your neck and then moved it cruelly. The worst nightmare at the painful level you could imagine

Well, that's what cluster headache is also known as cluster headache or suicide disease, since many of those affected take their own lives when they feel unable to bear the pain, it is perhaps the most hurtful affliction a person can endure before losing consciousness.

Medical literature describes the pain of cluster headache as one of the most intense that a human being can experience, before losing consciousness. even more than a gunshot wound or the amputation of a limb without anesthesia.

Women who suffer from this disease report that the pain is more intense than those of childbirth. It is estimated to be 100 to 1000 times more intense than a migraine.

I can see how in ancient times, people with the same condition as mine might kill or sacrifice them, really thinking that they were possessed, since there is no explanation for this pain, which science describes as the most intense pain that You can experience a human being, without losing consciousness. When I am prey to the attacks, I think about that, or that I am paying some Karma from past lives .... it really is not pleasant at all.

I feel very much for my family, and for my wife, and for the people who have come to see me in this condition, since there is nothing to do, and I imagine the helplessness they should feel, since I feel it too ... Researching on the internet, I got to know psilocybin. Since September 2017 she cured me, and since then ... I am no longer afraid of going to sleep ...

Since the mushrooms cured me in 2017, I took on the task of studying them in the first person, in order to understand them better and be able to recommend and know what the correct dose is for each person. I took all amounts from 0.1 to 10 grams, and all the weights in between, there was a time that I religiously held a Macrodose VELADA every full moon, in order to understand better. To date, I have been helping people for approximately 6 years, either in person or remotely, I help them follow a micro or macro dose regimen, depending on the case, in a safe and satisfactory way, indicating the dose correct in a safe and precise way for your healing. I probably talk to about 5 people a day on the subject, my patients are from all over the world.

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