Francesca Barone

5.009 reviews

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Francesca is a naturopathic medical practitioner, holistic nutritionist, and plant medicine facilitator. Growing up in the Midwest, she sparked a desire at a young age to be of service to the world around her as she witnessed a health and spiritual epidemic. She left home at a young age and began traveling the world gaining knowledge in mind-body medicine and spiritual teachings. Her passion is rooted in guiding others through a variety of natural healing practices to help them restore their vitality and true essence. She is committed to helping others rediscover their empowerment through self-healing, compassion-based therapy, and connection to Spirit.

Since beginning her work with shamanic healing practices and plant medicine, Francesca has helped hundreds of clients release the imprints of trauma and emotional imbalances they carried with them for years. She supports her clients intimately as they move away from Western medical practices that solely treat disease symptoms and inspires them to find emotional liberation and embodied aliveness through treating the root-causes of their pain, often originating in childhood trauma. Francesca is a trauma-informed practitioner and long-term student of Gabor Maté’s work specializing in early-developmental trauma, somatic healing, and addiction therapy.

Francesca’s work is alive with passion and vitality. She believes wholeheartedly that every being on Earth is deserving and capable of emotional freedom and sustainable health, through integrating the parts of ourselves with unwavering compassion. She herself lived a life of addiction and disconnection for years before her first encounter with Ayahuasca, served by beautiful Shipibo maestros that have become her life-long teachers. Her love and reverence for the Shipibo lineage and healers she works besides is felt by her guests. A forever student and explorer of life, Francesca continues her ever-unfolding journey of deepening with plant medicine and working to bridge ancient indigenous practices with the Western world in need of deep collective healing. Read More

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Customer Reviews

5.00 out of 5.0 average rating

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Magic Goddess Woman!!
This woman is absolute magic. I am in awe and inspired by her in many ways. Don’t take my word for it, book with AnamCara… you won’t be disappointed to cross paths with her and her community. Just an exceptional, incredible human being. I feel so blessed to have shared space with her. Read More

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Beautiful soul!
She blew me away with her support during the preparation. I thought I was just jumping on a call to discuss my goals, and it felt like a whole somatic therapy session. She has so much wisdom and so many tools, I felt it was fate that she was my facilitator and I felt so grateful. I love that she has a very holistic approach and can bring natropathy and nutrition into your journey. She was a core person I would go to for advice throughout and she always blew me away with the wisdom and advice she would give. She has so much care about giving high quality supportive expereince, so much so that they should be charging double! Read More

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Soul Sister
Francesca is pure magic! She creates the safest spaces to feel so open, vulnerable and authentic. My favorite things about her are that she openly contributes to her healing process along side the group and her knowledge and personal experience adds so much depth to the process. She is the real deal and allows her humanness to be present with the rest of us. And that smile!!! Read More

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Like a warm hug
Francesca and Niels are incredibly devoted, compassionate and loving. And so skilled in creating a safe and high quality ayahuasca retreat.
Tremendous healing happened during my time at Anam Cara and great new relationships were also forged. Read More

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A good hard dose of love and understanding
I can't thank Francesca enough for choosing her life path. I understand how important this work is, not just for me personally, but for all those that I come into contact with. Feels like I've been touched by magic and now I get to go forward and give that feeling to others Read More