Meaghan Maria Morningstar

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Born and raised in ancient parts of the world growing up in an atmosphere of archaeology, music, culture, and mysticism, Meaghan was a junior member of an archaeology society at 10 and would spend weekends digging up ancient artefacts and studying music and history.

She has been leading journeys in Egypt for 5 years and visited the sites in over 170 visits. Her guests have life-changing experiences here as well as speci

Meaghan is a trained Counsellor, Art Therapist, Musician, and Shamanic Arts Trained. Her passion is to assist people to access stillness and wellbeing in rapid ways using the lovely tool of sound and story to assist them.

Meaghan has taught mindful music programs worldwide and creates special audio programs to assist people online experience shifts.

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