Gemma Luisa

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Gemma offers Yoga Therapy and Thai-Vedic Bodywork – the perfect union of timeless Ayurvedic principles and Buddhist Thai Yoga. This bodywork art bridges one of the world’s greatest holistic medicine systems with the meditative and therapeutic techniques of Thai Massage. It is utilised medicinally as a cherished and revered indulgence to remedy prominent social ailments such as emotional stress and physical inertia.

Gemma trained in Tantric Hatha to RYT 500hrs in Thailand and Hawaii and has studied a wide variety of disciplines in London, Goa, Singapore, Ibiza and Barcelona. She really loves to travel and yoga! Gemma has a well-established practice that she teaches regularly in the city studios of Palma de Mallorca, and in collaboration with other retreat facilitators island wide.

Her continued professional development is of a holistic focus, aimed at treating the more subtle energetic body as well as the structural body. She believes that to maintain essential balance in life we must work through the mind for the body: between movement and stillness, in mindful ritual practice, one day at a time.

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