Marci Graham, Facilitator

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

I am a Facilitator, HAI Global's Safety & Consent Officer, and volunteer for many projects. HAI has been a constant in my life since March 2000, and there has never been a moment when I regretted any part of my choice to remain deeply involved and contributing. We talk in HAI's Mission Statement about being a potent, contributing human being, and that is what I strive for every day--in both joyous situations and complicated, difficult ones. I see beauty, tender vulnerability, hearts opening, boundaries being honored, respectful communication, and powerful self-knowledge awakening in people at every workshop I have the honor of leading. The work I invite you into has the possibility of changing you and the direction and substance of your life. As a HAI facilitator, I simply ask you to look at your life: you change you. I choose a world of love and acceptance in my own heart each day.

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