Benedicte Mannix

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Bénédicte Mannix

15 years experienced Holistic Psilocybin Therapist

“Dream your life and live your dreams.”

I am a positive and enthusiastic person, forever in search of truth and happiness. I believe in the immense potential of human beings and that every person is beautiful. In more than 30 years travelling the world I have met many people from different cultures and have learned a lot from them. I realized long ago that what makes people happy, more than anything else, is to be free. Everybody has the power to achieve whatever goals they can imagine and my role as a therapist is to help people know themselves in order to achieve them.

Holistic Therapist
Client-centered therapist having studied Rogerian therapy. My approach is humanistic and empathetic, emphasizing an unconditional positive regard of my clients.

Transgenerational therapist: all human beings are a part of a system, I have studied systemic therapy

Sophrologist believing that the body and mind are connected I have studied to be a practitioner helping people become more connected and conscious with themselves

Sophrology Teacher : Teaching at the SophroAcademy Specialist Programmes designated for certified Sophrologists = Anxiety, Depression and Phobia

Specialised in the domain of childhood trauma. I am currently writing a book about how Sophrology can help people deal with the consequences of childhood trauma.

I have several years’ experience in Risk Reduction in various large festivals around the world. Also, being part of its creation in South Africa. Work which involves providing a supportive environment and specialized care designed to transform difficult psychedelic experiences into valuable learning opportunities, and even potentially offer healing and growth. In turn, the work reduces the number of drug-related hospitalizations and arrests. BOOM Festival / Afrika Burn / Earth Dance / Origins

I am a psilocybin facilitator. My 30 years of experience with psychedelics and the witnessing of others’ experiences have proven to me their benefits. I am so grateful for having facilitated groups and individuals using psilocybin, and seen the magical results.

I am a psychedelic integration therapist. Integration is one of the most important parts of the psychedelic journey. It gives a space to bring forth insights gained during the altered state of consciousness to our normal state.

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