Jana Milovanovic

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

My name is Jana Milovanovic and challenging life situations led me to search for answers to the cause of repetition of patterns. At the age of 5 I lost my father and later in life I became aware how this loss was influencing my life in love relationships. When I was 25 I encountered a break up in my relationship while being pregnant. This situation was the life changing experience and reason why I started Rebirthing breathing, Louise L. Hay workshops. A whole new world opened up. When I was 28 I started my Healing Practice and many people visited my practice. Being on my spiritual path I met my husband who had a Medical Practice and works as MD for 35 years now…So a marriage of spirituality and science was a fact. My partner and I, we explored more on how we can access past traumatic events and release them, so they don’t affect our life and we can experience our relationship with more love. We explored many techniques together : Family Constellations, The Work from Byron Katie, Inner Child Healing inspired by John Bradshaw, Reconnective Healing, Inspired by Somatic Experience, Emotional Freedom Technique, Love Loss and Forgiveness Project from Michael Murphy….Hartcoherence breathing, lived 1 month in India at the Ashram from Yoga Point where I did my Yoga teacher training…I also did an initiation of Kundalini Yoga for 1 week een in St. Petersburg.
And finally I wrote a book (Only available in Dutch) where I describe all my experiences and received a channeling message about my own healing approach and AccessAwarenessBreathing. Since a few years my husband and I got interested in Psychedelic therapy for releasing trauma…We had a few ceremonies with Ayahuasca…but got really a click with Psilocybine…During those sessions with Psilocybine I got many times the clear message that the mushroom will be my teacher and the word ‘therapy’ got a new meaning…A new path was born. I feel guided and protected more than ever before and received many times profound healings of things that were still hidden inside…After so many wonderful experiences, we are ready to share everything we know in releasing grief, loss, trauma…So people can enjoy again their life with a feeling of freedom… Read More

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