David Poole

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Having had a very successful career in real estate in London, David was diagnosed with advanced stomach cancer 10 years ago. He was shocked and devastated by his diagnosis and was depressed and in denial for months.

But then a Damascus moment arrived and he wanted to survive, he desperately wanted to live. David started his own personal journey to health, healing and happiness and moved to Ibiza 8 years ago.

Having realized the power the body has to heal itself when given the right tools to do so, David has spent many years sharing his knowledge and experience with others. He has helped clients heal from a range of medical conditions including; cancer, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, depression, inflammatory conditions such as arthritis and colitis and cardiovascular disease.

Specifically David has helped over 400 clients heal from cancer and he is passionate about sharing his experience and knowledge with others at The Sanctuary.

He is looking forward to helping people change their lives for the better and to work with such a professional group of alternative thinking healers and therapists.

David is excited to be able to share the incredible program we have created to help detoxify your life and set you on a bright new path.

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