Alfredo Picota Panduro

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Alfredo Picota Panduro was born in Canaan de Cachiyacu in the city of Ucayali, Loreto.
He is the son of our beloved teacher, Celia Panduro Huyata. He is very faithful to the ancestral tradition of the Ayahuasqueros.
Since a very young age, he had this ability to understand the spiritual world of medicinal plants. Now at 40, he brings this wisdom with him.
From the age of 23, he began to perform his ceremonies connecting all the physical worlds of plants, animals and nature.
Alfredo was interested in helping people heal from a very young age. He saw the need for healing people with different mental, spiritual and physical health problems, who need improvement in their health in all dimensions.
He also participated in different diets and fasts of master medicinal plants and is a graduate professor of social sciences at the university.

Master Alfredo has dieted Noa Rao, and is a specialist in offering master plants such as Shiric Sanango, Bobinsana, Ayahuama, etc.

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