Fr. Joe Schad, SJ
About the Teacher
Why study with them?
Joe Schad, SJ, is originally from South Philadelphia. He attended St. Joe's Prep, where he first encountered the Jesuits. He graduated from the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD), with a BFA in the graphic arts program. Afterwards, Fr. Joe spent most of a year discerning his vocation at a Trappist monastery in North Carolina. Following two years with Peace Corps, he worked in JVC as a crisis counselor. He entered the Society of Jesus 44 years ago and has just celebrated 33 years as a Jesuit priest. His formation studies were at Gonzaga and the Jesuit School of Theology (JSTB) in Berkeley, where he focused on Rahner and Narrative Theology. After ordination, Fr. Joe was assigned to Fairfield University, where he taught media studies and later joined the Campus Ministry team. He completed his Tertianship in Australia, as a prelude to Final Vows. He then was named Pastor at St. Leonhard Parish in Frankfurt, Germany. On his return, he received certification as a spiritual director from the Center of Religious Development (CRD) in Cambridge and was missioned to the Holy Spirit Retreat Center, in Anchorage, AK. In preparation for assignment as a chaplain, Fr. Joe completed his clinical practice training at Loyola University Medical Center. For over 16 years, initially at Mercy Hospital in Portland, then later at Georgetown University and St. Vincent's Medical Center in Bridgeport, CT., he offered pastoral presence and support to patients and their families. Throughout these years, Fr. Joe has provided individual spiritual direction, as well as, facilitating retreats and days of reflection, focusing on Ignatian Spirituality and Centering Prayer. He has studied Zen Buddhism, as well as, other world religions. His personal interests include collecting rare illustrated books and prints, traditional music and travel.
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