Juliana Arango

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

After years of looking for the meaning of feminine energy and why she has been suppressed from society, the feeling awoke in me to yearn to see into the mysteries of feminine energy.

The moment when I felt my Womb and healed my trauma and shame, I could feel her voice coming back to life. This magical portal of creation spoke to me tears of joy, pain, anger, laughter, and ecstasy; simultaneously, I was reclaiming my sovereignty after years of leaking my power and numbness. My connection to the primordial energy (Shakti) and the embodiment of the holy wild women has liberated me from being free and loving all dimensions of the sacred women in me.

That made me attract and receive my beloved partner in a sacred union and love deeply without fear. Thus I got initiated as a Tantric Shamanic priestess holding the art of alchemical keys to teach from my Womb space and guide other women to embody their feminine energy to reclaim the holy wild women.

Honored with great humility to hold space and facilitate safe spaces where women can go deeper with my Sacred Offerings Retreats, Personal Experiences, Inner Marriage Ceremonies, Ecstatic Kundalini Dance, Shamanic Womb Awakening, and 1:1 Mentorships.

All these practices guide women to embody their femininity, unite with the Divine Masculine, and assist in the Rising of Humanity.

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