Rubi McGrory - Chef & Artist

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Rubi McGrory is an artist, writer, chef and alchemist who aims to spin all manner of material into something magical, colorful and delicious—often at the same time.

Specializing in vegetarian and vegan fare, she received formal culinary training at New York’s Culinary Institute of America and the Royal Thai School of Culinary Arts in Bang Saen, Thailand.

She spent over two and a half decades as a chef on private/charter yachts all over the world (and some very well-appointed home kitchens)–while also earning an MFA in design from SCAD.

A wellness junkie, reiki master and meditation teacher, Rubi recently launched “Iridescent Ordinary,” a newsletter and series of workshops which explore the art of the daily practice as a way to bring meaning and mindfulness into our lives.

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