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About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Magical Malika: Meet our Medecine Music Woman, Soundhealer, Ceremonial leader and Workshop Facilitator Malika.

It has been rooted in the ancestral lineage of her family to serve spirit with devotion and music. Thats what she loves and what she does. Since her childhood music has always been her medicine and accompanied and nurished her. Malika is a singer and passionated musician. Next to her professian as a diplomated sportscientist in nature and adventure sports, dance and movement theater -since about 20 years she has been dedicated her work as a teacher and coach to empower people and specially children and women, in the field of adventure sports and culture padagogics, mostly in group orientated settings.

Its hard to say, when our medecine path begins, but her first sweatlodge, about 9 years ago in Mexico defenetely opened a new chapter on her journey. Since ever then she is dedicated to share the medicine of the voice where ever she goes, to open circles for singing and voice expression and liberation, to accompany ceremonys and retreats and she loves to invite everyone to freely improvise with sound and music and jam together in a circle.

Of service with a humble open heart, her lovely voice, musical instruments and sounds are accompanying and carrying our participants through their healing journey. Her music and ceremony leading is partly inspired by the tradition of the Moondance, that she´s been following since 6 Years.

Her first plant medicine experiences she has already received in an early period of her life, starting from 16. As she has been always an adventurer and seeker for the deeper truth of life.

For her the plant medicine is very sacred and only used in ceremonial setting. "Its helping me to remember and conecting me with my ancient roots and feeling oneness with divinity. It is heart opening, cleansing and often feels like beeing reborn into this world. It has brought me very much closer to nature and helps me to understand, that all is One and that we are all made of the same particles...

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Goddess of music!
Malika was so important during this experience. Her music brought light and life! The voice activation workshop she held with Philippe was a really important part of my journey. I had been feeling not myself after the first session but the workshop really brought me back to myself and I am really grateful for that.

Thank you ❤️