My name is Martin. I work with natural alternative medicines since 2020. When I experienced them many years ago for the first time, they changed my life forever in a very profound and positive way.
I was once addicted to alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, cigarettes and sugar/sweets and with the help of the medicines I work with today I could find insights and strength to quit them all. Today I live a clean life, full of abundance, joy and purpose and you can do this, too.
I am a certified Kambo Practitioner and could help more than 200 people with this amazing medicine given by our nature. Furthermore I work with Hapeh, Sananga, Bufo Alvarius, Golden Teacher and Samadhi (Union with God).
I always give my best to be in service of the sacred medicine and in service for our guests. With the support of the sacred remedies we are able to heal trauma, open new doors and perspectives and show you what it means to be alive on this beautiful planet. All you have to do is to walk through the newly opened door.
Another big part of my life is Music. I am a Musician, Music Producer, SInger-Songwriter and Handpan-player. I collect Music instruments from all over the world and we invite monthly to our joyful singing-cirlce where we drink ceremonial cacao.
Please feel free to write me an email if you have any questions about healing, music or if you are interested in a beautiful ceremony:
Much Love and Blessings to you
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