Yvette Murrell

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

World Trust Facilitator, Yvette Murrell, has a multifaceted background in business, education, nonprofits and the creative arts. Yvette is a Power Voice & Choice Coach. She is an authentic life-coach that supports professionals, community leaders, healers, and creatives in healing core relationships, enhancing influence within community and speaking up and showing up more fully in life!

Yvette is the co-founder and director of three companies: Professional Development Inc., a corporate consulting firm; Creative Authors of Shared Humanity, a nonprofit and performing arts consulting firm; and Peer Solutions, an educational consulting firm. At Peer Solutions, she designed a restorative justice program that was delivered in nearly 30 high schools and community centers in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Over the course of five years, more than 3,500 participants engaged in her restorative practices and conflict resolution programming. Due to the curriculum that she designed and implemented and the student-led Restorative Practices circles that she established and facilitated, schools saw reduced suspensions and an improvement in the school culture. Her learning and practices continue to be successfully implemented and expanded throughout the Milwaukee school system.

On the personal front, Yvette believes in laughter, long nature walks, and Oneness! She plays with these identities: twin, mother, facilitator, artist, alchemist, and writer. She is nomadic and currently resides in Seattle, WA.


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