Rene Najera

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

"The Medicine of Sound" is a visionary project crafted by Rene Najera, driven by a profound mission: to harness the power of music as a transformative tool for healing and collective well-being.

Rene's journey in the realm of music commenced during his teenage years, and he has since delved deeply into its diverse dimensions. His musical expertise spans a wide spectrum, encompassing bass, guitar, and vocals. With a career rich in instrumental mastery, he has navigated through genres such as jazz, funk, rock, Latin music, and contemporary styles.

Rene has earned certification from the Sound Healing Institute, marking him as a sound therapist and gong master of exceptional caliber. His expertise extends to leading seminars on sound healing, meditation, and harmonic singing. He serves as a guide in immersive sound meditations, conducts meditative concerts, lends his musical talents to enhance sacred plant ceremonies, yoga classes, and even produces his own captivating music. His instrumental repertoire is nothing short of astonishing, encompassing over 40 unique instruments, with a special affinity for ethnic flutes.

Through "The Medicine of Sound," Rene Najera creates an inspiring symphony of healing, resonating with the soul's deepest vibrations, and guiding individuals toward greater harmony and well-being.

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