
About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Peyton is originally from the U.S. but has lived in Europe for several years now, including Switzerland, Belgium, and Spain. She has a deep love for mushrooms, both for their medicinal and culinary gifts. Her zeal for local, fresh, and wholesome cooking has led her to work with many species of mushrooms in the pursuit of cooking food that is nutritious for our bodies and spirit, blending vegan cuisine and herbalism. Beyond the kitchen, Peyton's political-social work is focused on regenerative food systems, research that led her into mycoforestry, foraging, and working with fungi for closed-loop systems.

Along with these passion projects, Peyton has been practising Hatha Yoga for many years. In combining meditation into her daily religious practices, she has found psilocybin mushrooms to be extremely helpful for deeping meditative experiences, better understanding the Self, and attuning with the Divine.

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