Sarah Frizelle

5.001 review

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Sarah Frizelle is a counselor in private practice in Victoria BC who offers wholistic counselling to individuals, couples and families. She has worked with individuals in roles of educator, psychotherapist and wilderness guide for over 25 years, sometimes combining all three roles in nature-based therapy or eco-psychology with individuals and groups.

Sarah works to support positive personal, family and cultural level changes. She embraces transformative learning and is dedicated to unleash the creative gifts and potential of people to heal and transform, in support of creativity, collaboration and innovation. Read More

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Customer Reviews

5.00 out of 5.0 average rating

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Very compassionate, caring and easy to talk to
Sarah has a gift of deep listening and reflecting back one's strengths, grief, love and longing in an easy, gentle, compassionate way. She is at home with the language of magic and mystery, and welcomes the journey into dark and scary places in search of lost treasures. Read More