Gaia Ma

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Gaia embodies aliveness and presence and serves the evolution of personal and planetary potential. by creating opportunities for inward and outward journeys of healing, learning, and creativity. Gaia’s raw and fiery nature inspires others to break through their conditioning, to find freedom, aliveness and meaning in life.
Personal Transformation

Gaia is best known for her transparent and genuine approach. Gaia’s authenticity permits her to bring both keen perception and loving presence to her work.

Gaia is the founder of The Tantric Way Process, a world-renowned personal and spiritual development process. In The Tantric Way process, Gaia creates a safe and intimate environment in which to shatter programmed patterns of the body mind and supports people to step into love and freedom. It’s been said that Gaia “Holds Space Like a Mother #^@%*!”

Gaia developed the Transformational Facilitator Training to train professionals in the art and meditation of holding space for others. The training teaches the attitudes and skills needed to create unique curriculum and support people to heal and grow.

Planetary Transformation

Gaia is the co-founder of InanItah, an earth-based spiritual community on Ometepe Island in Nicaragua. InanItah is a tropical paradise. An intentional community where co-creators, visitors, and volunteers come together to care for the earth and for one another. As the director of the InanItah Fire Season, Gaia shares her dedication to regenerative living. During the InanItah Fires Season, Gaia organizes and assists in teaching Permaculture Design Certification courses alongside expert permaculture designers.

Gaia is the founder of Kali Land, an Eco-Creatives Community & Residence focused on developing a culture of transformation through creative, movement, musical, digital and entrepreneurial arts.

Gaia created The Ometepe Development Fund. A non-profit organization that supports programs for food security, economic development, and land preservation.
Experience & Education

Gaia skillfully combines extensive training over 30 years in modalities such as Tantra, Yoga, Psychology, Systemic Constellation, Breathwork, Dance and Movement Therapy, and Trauma Healing with her diverse life experience as a community founder, entrepreneur, dancer, lover, natural builder, and permaculture designer.

Gaia has degrees in both Gender and Studies and Economics from New York University. As well as certifications in Skydancing Tantra, Shamanic Healing, OSHO Therapy, Yoga Teaching, and Permaculture Design.

Email Gaia at or by contacting her through the website.

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