Linda Alegra, LCSW

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Linda Algeria, LCSW has been a licensed social worker for 45 years, 35 of which she has maintained a private psychotherapy practice. She has been following the developing neuroscience as it relates to our mental and physical health for the past 30 years and the increasing awareness of practices like mindfulness, meditation, breath and bodywork, energy healing and more to improve our lives, health and relationships.

In addition to teaching social work at two universities, Linda has developed courses, weekend workshops and retreats that included mindfulness practices, spiritual growth and development, creativity and life purpose. She joined the Peace Corps at age 65 and served 26 months in Jamaica, working with youth and adults doing AIDS prevention and awareness and counseling in the school system.

Linda enjoys teaching her clients and others ways to stop their suffering and increase peace, joy and the ability to live with more ease. Read More

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