Swami Sankarananda

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Swami Sankarananda in his own words is "a simple peace pilgrim, a servant of God in our path of awakening to the One Truth. This is a statement of grace. I was so much, rather thought myself to be, but through grace I have stripped all of this away, and sit here now in the eternal and boundless presence of Self. This Ashram, this body and this mind are servants, and are here for the purpose of serving the Lord's mission and your own real purpose in coming here to this physical plane - supporting your path to your own immortal, divine Self.

After having experienced the grace of inner peace, having lived with and been guided by great Yogis in the Himalayas, and having travelled the USA for nearly five years, now I have been asked to tend to this desert oasis named Divine Grace Yoga Ashram. This space is also simple, its mission is the same as I've been given since coming back to the USA in 2013 to begin a walking pilgrimage across the country. Peace is the mission, Peace is the prize. Peace is within, and can be known without only when it is known within."

He will travel to us from the Divine Grace Ashram in Cottonwood, Arizona.

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