Lauren Cohen

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Lauren Cohen teaches yoga classes, workshops and trainings throughout the San Francisco Bay Area and leads retreats all over the world. Lauren was a dancer and competitive figure skater for nearly 15 years and first started practicing yoga in college to help manage anxiety. To this day, she credits yoga as the practice that saved her life and is infinitely grateful to have the opportunity to share the practice with others. She completed her first 200 hour training with Marni Task in Cleveland, Ohio and has since completed 1000+ hours with master teachers including Jason Crandell, Tias Little and Janet Stone. Lauren is particularly passionate about sharing yoga as a life practice, one that goes far beyond the mat. She aims to share yoga philosophy in an accessible way and to support students in integrating the teachings into their everyday lives. Her classes are often described as soulful, grounding, inspiring and dynamic.

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