Jacqui Rowley

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Jacqui teaches an alignment-focused class, exploring the actions of each pose and building toward a theme for her classes. Born and raised in South Africa, her background is in ballet and modern dance. Her teaching is informed by the knowledge acquired through a lifetime of playing with the physical form. Jacqui's first yoga class was in 1996, when she joined her mom for a community class near her home in Johannesburg. It was not love at first chance, but she continued to practice as a way to do something with her mom. Jacqui's love for yoga began when she discovered vinyasa yoga in 2008. The connection of movement to breath felt like coming home to her body in a way that felt like love. Her love for the practice has only deepened and she continues to be fascinated by the endless new things she can do, learn and feel through yoga practice. https://www.jacquirowleyyoga.com/ Read More

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