
About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Katia is a Gestalt therapist with over 20 years of experience dedicated to guiding individuals through challenging periods in their lives. Her professional journey is deeply influenced by a personal transformation that led her to discover her true calling.

At the age of 30, Katia faced a profound existential crisis that left her exhausted and disheartened. Despite her youth, she felt that her life had lost its meaning and was uncertain about how to change her path. This crisis became a turning point, prompting her to embark on a deep self-exploration. She realized that she had been living behind a facade, focused on meeting external expectations rather than understanding her true self.

This self-discovery led Katia to immerse herself in Gestalt therapy, family and systemic constellations, and NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming). Through these practices, she found the answers she was seeking, reconnecting with her essence, healing wounds, and forming meaningful, nourishing relationships. She was guided by esteemed therapists and teachers such as Mireia Darder, Joan Garriga, Ana Bernaldez, Francisco Sánchez, Marcelo Antoni, and Sergi Forgas, among others.

Now, at a place of maturity, Katia channels her experiences and wisdom to support others on their journeys. Her approach emphasizes walking alongside clients through their struggles, helping them to emerge stronger, empowered, and ready to embrace their best lives. In her work, she honors her mentors and her own growth, offering a hand to those ready to begin their new chapters.

In addition to individual therapy, Katia specializes in couple's therapy, providing a non-judgmental space for partners to navigate their relationship dynamics and resolve conflicts. Her work also includes family constellations, a powerful therapeutic tool that uncovers and addresses deep-seated family patterns and their impact on individual lives.

With a compassionate and insightful approach, Katia invites those seeking change and growth to take the first steps towards a more fulfilling and authentic life.

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