Ciara Mumford

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Ciara Mumford is the Owner, Cleansing Consultant, Wellness Expert and Head Therapist at Living Water Wellness and Julian Luxury Retreats. She is a Third Generation Colon-Hydro Therapist, Electro-Lymphatic Therapy Specialist, Cleansing, Fasting & Detoxification Specialist, Wellness Expert & Cleansing Consultant.

Working her entire adult life in Holistic Health, Wellness & Illness Prevention Field, boasting over 15 years of experience, she is one of the most advanced and innovative in her field. She is an I-ACT trained Therapist through #1 Internationally Ranked, California Coastal Cleansing Institute in Southern California, where she now often trains students as a guest educator.

She has contracted with over 5 separate Wellness Centers in the California area while implementing and training others in her unique way of doing abdominal work, intuitive emotional release, and coaching through her therapies. She has trained first hand under Roxanne Watson an I-ACT Ambassador, Instructor and owner of California Coastal Cleansing Institute for many years, gaining and expanding her knowledge of holistic medicine, supplementation, homeopathy, fasting, and detoxification.

She has also worked under and apprenticed for most of her life with Pioneers, Authors, lecturers, Nutritionists, and Instructors in the field of modern day internal cleansing. Ciara has an establishment where she continues to grace her clients with the best, most affective, most innovative and up-to-date therapies her field has to offer.

She also will continue to educate others on the importance of cleansing and detoxing the body as a means of healing illness and preventing disease while adding her unique, fresh, inspiring, and effective twist on Total Body Wellness at her private Southern California fasting retreat center. Read More

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