Lili is a shamanic healer who has been researching the transformational potential of psychedelics for over 20 years. She is also an Energy Healer, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, NLP Practitioner, Brain & Behavior Specialist and she is trained in psychedelic assisted therapy.
She spent long years in the rain forests of Asia & South America where she studied the hidden knowledge of energy healing from powerful plants, while developed her own unique healing methods. She is also an Intuitive painter, fashion designer and founder of Indriya Retreats. Some would ask the question that how all these different subjects can fit into one’s life but truly, Lili believes in the sacred Art of Living where anything is possible to create happiness in all areas of our lives.
Her Energy Healing is a technique based on fluid movements of the hands. It is an intuitive technique which comes from the deepest core of the higher self. The movements are forming sacred patterns into the air, opening energetical wormholes. The patterns are endless. Imagine eights, spirals, mandalas, the patterns of nature, the flower of life. These patterns are within us. They form the matrices within our cells. They form the pattern of the leaves. The pattern of the snowflake. They form the life energy itself. They are in everything. To resonate with these patterns is to resonate with nature and resonate with yourself. This resonance is vibration. Everything is energy and everything is vibration. Every vibration is equivalent to a feeling and in the world “vibrational” there are only two species of vibrations, positive and negative.
The same way the DNA imprint is unique of each individual beings, our energy & aura imprint is unique too. Since early childhood we are unfortunately coded in a wrong way. Our parents, the society is coding us on a way that we loose connection with ourselves and we become slaves of our own nature. We learn how to behave based on patterns of others. We follow that pattern we learn and follow systems which is making us prisoners in our lives. We build false images based on our believes of what is right or wrong. This is what we call Maya, the dream of the world. This mental coding is creating a negative disturbance in the energetical body which can lead to inbalance, depression, and physical sicknesses.
Lili’s dynamic meditation technique was developed through shamanic practices. Her energy body decoding system is based on raising & higher your vibration. While on a healing session she calls in your energetical body & she deblocks the obstacles on the soul level which leads to healing. She is decoding your energetical system which are not in balance or cause obstacles in one’s life. She is removing fears, blocks, resistances and unhealthy patterns which brings clarity, choice and freedom of self for the individual, as well as allowing movement into your center of power and opening your abilities. Your gain and accomplisment is priceless and is a true investment in yourself.
She also uses various techniques including therapeutic hypnosis, neuropathway building, timeline therapy and neurolinguistics programming in order to assist individuals in gaining their equilibrium, create new thought patterns, reframe perceptions, and transform their lives in a myriad of ways. She creates a non-judgmental and safe environment for clients to maximize their success in removing negative habits and addictions, reducing anxiety and stress, dealing with grief and loss, eliminating fears and phobias, and erasing unwanted memories.
Incorporating motivational techniques, she facilitates her clients in discovering their unique paths that ensure effective and long-lasting positive change and personal evolution.
Lili’s main dream was to dedicate her time & energy to help people to heal with powerful plant medicine. She believes that everyone has the same ability to heal themselves in every areas of their lives if the right key is handed to them. The plant gives you guidance to have a direct connection with yourself, giving you the purest path on your healing journey. There are no masters to follow. The only true master is within you.
In her early stages, Lili had her hardships too, suffering from a traumatic childhood. She was raised in a yogic community in the forests of Hungary then she jumped into ‘real life’ where she encountered a lot of emotional sufferings. She had her call for a spiritual life in a very early childhood where she experienced lucid dreaming, astral travellings and a lot of unexplained phenomenal. Her hunger for knowledge and self- development became more & more visible at her teenage years.
At 19 without a dime she has decided to travel the world. She visited 70 countries & went through a powerful self- transformation. She has chosen a lifestyle outside of the matrix where she paid the price for the knowledge she accessed but she couldn’t be happier today to do so. She had 2 near-death experiences, turbulent emotional life but one thing is sure, her life was filled with adventures where she could be truly free to dedicate her body, mind & soul to become an alive laboratory to experience all & to connect to her higher self.
Today Lili is living a balanced & beautiful life where she found fulfillment & harmony in her Life. She lives between continents and keeps on discovering new places & cultures. She keeps on passing her knowledge and keeps on learning in this never ending life-circle. She has a balanced and blissed emotional life, a healthy body and feel abundant in every aspects of her life. Lili believes when one can create consciously beauty around themselves, bliss will automatically follow.
Naturally, when our life is changing for the better and we learn how to heal ourselves , only then we are able to heal the outside world. Gratitude is one of the most important key of life. Whatever bliss we have, we are here to share with others as we are all connected. And we are all One.
Lili’s program is designed for you if you wish to
Deblock relationship patterns
Raise your vibration & frequency
Unblock imbalance of energy flow
Bring harmony to your mind
Rebalance life energy
Call in the creative energy flow
Find your life purpose
Remove body pain
Start body healing process
Clear out your life path
Heal traumas
Heal phobias
Change negative habits
Heal depression & mental issues
Connect to your higher self
Call for protection
Remove fears
Balance the body, mind & soul
Stabilize financial issues
Find one’s highest potential
Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey ?
Start your healing journey now !
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