Taita David Queta

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Taita David Queta is a traditional doctor, shaman and healer of the Cofán people. He is the son of Taita Querubín Queta Alvarado, the highest authority of Yagé medicine (Ayahuasca) in Colombia, who recently passed away on January 2024 in his 111 years old to go back to the Unity.
Taita David follows the path of his father, sharing he medicine of Yagé to expand the knowledge and the teachings that he left him, being in service to humanity in order to help and heal all of those who approach him.
Taita David lives in the Putumayo jungle in Ecuador and takes medicine there with his children, grandchildren and community. He has been learning with the plant of Yagé during all his life, and it is a real honour to take medicine with him and experience the healing, knowledge and teachings that he carries.

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