Autumn Kunz

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Autumn is a remarkable mother of two, married for 9 years, and a business owner (Rabbit Hole Wellness) that is practicing, facilitating and teaching fusion & mixed-modality healing arts and medicine nationally and internationally.

She is a Yoga Therapist accredited by IAYT (international association of yoga therapy) and has a professional background in business, social work and grassroots community activism. Having A non-religious and psychedelic-friendly upbringing she possesses a unique set of perspectives, skills and talents and still hasn’t found a title or name for the work she does. Just don’t call her a shaman.

Autumn is an AmeriCorps alumni and a civically engaged scholar having participated in leadership teams creating/executing statewide community garden & food cooperative initiatives in Utah. She has been an activist for the local Utah community and helped create cooperative farming business models across Utah, bringing names like Farmer Tom to help educate farmers in the then new industry of hemp. Assisting in helping educate patients on conscious and connected use of for wellness.

She has travelled extensively to study with a variety of indigenous tribes both nationally and internationally and continues activism surrounding non-appropriative healing arts and bridges to indigenous reclamation efforts and humanitarianism.

Autumn leads vision quest groups teaching people about the healing art of ancestral and tribal medicine through hands-on work, service, experiences, immersions, and initiations with various tribes.
With a wide range of healers, mediums, modalities, and tools on her belt, Autumn is dedicated to helping people find deep truth and meaning in their lives. In her work she aims to be inclusive to western and eastern approaches in healing and empower those she works with to have informed consent & the power to choose from inner resonance.

Autumn's ultimate goal is to assist you in connecting with both your inner and outer world in a positive and meaningful way. Through embodied practices and fostering deep inner trust, she aims to empower individuals to navigate their psychedelic journeys with confidence and authenticity. With Autumn's guidance, you can embark on a transformative journey towards self-discovery and embrace.

Autumn teaches mixed modality facilitator trainings with many healing arts including: yoga, reiki, cacao, sound, plant medicine, mediumship, tarot, dream work, human design, integration arts, dance therapy, wisdom wheel, & more. Autumn has a holistic product line and mixed-modality private practice at Rabbit Hole Wellness Bar where she offers 1:1, couples and group work. Rabbithole Wellness also hosts facilitators, educators, artists, etc. to share medicines from conscious networks from around the globe.

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