Tyson Kunz

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Tyson is a nurturing and dedicated student and teacher committed to showing
up in the world as a safe, sacred and divine masculine strength. He has lived
experience in the undercurrents of polygamy, violence, addiction, and
incarceration. This has inspired him to become a sacred space-holder
embodying the elements of nature in all of his practices and teachings. He is
able to hold non-judgemental space for accountability and vulnerability to help
others powerfully in their journey of transformation. He offers medicine of
embodiment as a seasoned yogi and breakdancer and he is a shining
example of what it means to break through yourself & life in a powerful &
meaningful way. He believes strongly in agreements and boundaries and is
unwavering in his commitment to bettering himself and teaching from a place
of gentle humility. He is a carrier of sacred song and believes in and embodies
the power of the sacred circle specializing in fire ceremony. He is as wild &
gentle as he is sacred.

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