Denise personally began researching plant medicine/psychedelics 4 years ago. She had gone through some difficult times and was left extremely depressed, She had lost her joy, her happiness was gone. Standard medicine puts you on an antidepressant which she did for a year and did not feel any better. That's when she started looking into alternate ways to find herself again. Well, it has been quite the journey to where she is now. She found her joy again through plant medicine. She was able to release past traumas, physical pain, and the sadness that had a hold on her for quite some time. When she looked around she started to see many unhappy people holding on to so much they needed to let go of. So she started reading, researching, and taking every course/program she could find on the benefits of plant medicine. She personally has experienced most forms of plant medicines and has benefited greatly. But she always came back to psilocybin. She found it to be gentler and can help people in many different ways. TooMushLove Retreats began with a vision. A vision to help people release trauma, reduce stress and anxiety and live a life filled with joy. She wants to help people live their most authentic full life. Many people need a reset and plant medicine can do that. Magic Mushroom/Psilocybin is a useful tool to release, reset and provide a clear picture of your future self. Denise has trained with several Universities and organizations on coursework about psychedelic facilitation, coaching and integration, neuroplasticity, breath work, psychedelics on creativity and cognition, psychedelics for anxiety and depression, harm reduction, navigating psychedelic crisis, leadership and psychedelics, cultivating psychedelic community and holding space.
Denise holds a safe, kind, and loving environment for those ready to take the journey.
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