Isabel Christina Vallejo

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Isabel Christina is an American born and raised, Shamanic Practitioner and Mentor for over a decade now. She has lived in Brazil for over 20 years working with plant medicines and holistic therapies. She has been initiated as a Shamanic Family Constellation Therapist, Facilitator of healing circles and Temazkal Guide. She is also the visionary of Aguarazu Xamanic SPA, a retreat center that receives Indigenous Shamans and their plant medicine ceremonies as well as other holistic retreats and events that promote wellness through earth practices that connect us with our own personal mission and the creative spirit within and all around us.
Having lived half of her life in the United States and the other half walking with plant medicines and shamanic practices in a very real and intimate way in Brazil, she has much experiences and insights into the processes encountered on these paths of enlightenment. The teachings received through her unique walk of life make her an excellent guide for westerners interested in deeper preparation and integration processes when deciding to enter into shamanic and plant medicine life experiences. Her teachings are based on practical ways of creating a balance within yourself and your environment.
She also offers 1:1 Mentoring for individuals looking to lead their own sacred ceremony circles, as well as Plant Medicine Integration Sessions Read More

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