
About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Having first participated in an Iboga ceremony in 2017, Noah was amazed by sheer power and uniqueness of Iboga and the Bwiti. Although he had worked with other medicines, none seemed to compare to the experience he had while on Iboga. Noah, deciding to work with the medicine again, travelled with his mother the following year to meet Tembo and Mudanga in Central America.

The Ceremony was nothing short of a miracle, for it saved the life of Noah's mother, and saved Noah from a near psychotic break. After the Ceremony, Tembo invited Noah to go to Gabon that summer and be Initiated into the Bwiti. So he went, and while in Gabon, during the summer of 2018, Noah received his initiate name, Mamba.

Since being Initiated, under the guidance of his spiritual father, Mamba has helped facilitate retreats in the Czech Republic, Central America, and Spain.

Read through his mother's story here: Read More

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