Alan Francis Waugh

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Alan Waugh is an influential healer, best selling author, visionary teacher and spiritual mentor, with many years of immersion in ancient indigenous wisdoms and practices.

He is the author of Alchemical Ayahuasca - Take the Journey from Depression to the Sweet Spot. This book is required reading before being accepted to participate in our retreats.

Alan is the co-founder of The Sacred Valley Retreats - Ecuador. Through the understanding that actions have consequences, Alan dedicates his time to creating a better world by helping others achieve a life of happiness and fulfillment. With 20 years of working as a hospice volunteer, Waugh has assisted hundreds of dying people through the final stages of life. Alan’s passion is to assist clients to attain optimum health, happiness, and financial success through developing healthy relationships, a fulfilling career, a spiritual practice, and learning how to live more fully in the world. Alan’s mission is to make available to you the experience and knowledge he’s developed through many years of training, exploration, and wisdom gained through years of trial and error. This combined with gentle loving support, will help you successfully move in the direction of your personal healing goals.

"Alan is the most extraordinary healer I have ever worked with, which is not to diminish the excellence of the other talented healers I have worked with in the past.  My life has improved radically since my first meeting with Alan.  I have suffered from chronic anxiety and depression for much of my life, which Alan has all but cured through a combination of healing modalities.  I have participated in several healing workshops and retreats offered by Alan including, Reiki treatments, Reiki Level 3 and Master Class, Shamanistic Reiki, as well as his weekend Meditation Retreats." Ricardo

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