Dianna is Alan's Beloved and co-founder of Sacred Valley Retreats - Ecuador.
She is a certified massage therapist, certified hypnotherapist, ordained healer, ordained minister, and reiki practitioner. She is the editor and lead designer of the book - Alchemical Ayahuasca. She draws upon lessons from her own spiritual path of over 28 years, her formal education in psychology & sociology, and real-life experiences as a mother and grandmother to support her clients. Dianna uses her gifts of healing, intuition, and compassion gained through the tragic loss of loved ones, to gently and lovingly minister to those who come to her. Womb regression and past-life hypnosis are two of her specialties.
Having received several hugs from Amma the hugging saint, it has been said that Dianna transmits Amma’s healing energy through her arms and hands. Dianna firmly believes that touch is the most powerful of the five senses and she evokes love and healing through her touch.
As both an eternal student and teacher, Dianna stays open to knowledge from all sources as she regularly strives to raise her vibration. She understands that when we interact with others of high vibration, our consciousness is raised. She participated in Inner Awakening, a 21-day intensive training in Bangalore, India under the direct guidance of Paramahamsa Nithyananda. Additionally, she is a graduate of Mastery University with Tony Robbins, Infinite Possibilities with Mike Dooley, and Be Extraordinary with Vishen Lakhiani of Mind Valley.
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