Jilmer Barbaran Cauper

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About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Jilmer is the son of Maestra Olinda and works alongside her at their center in Pullcallpa, Peru. Jilmer has a kind and gentle nature and sense of humor. He has guided countless people through dietas and ayahuasca ceremonies. He loves to share the Shipibo culture and learn about the other cultures of visitors. Read More

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Customer Reviews

5.00 out of 5.0 average rating

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Absolutely loved sitting with Jilmer
He is so loving and attentive in Ceremony. Often asking how you are connecting to the medicine. Always checking and offering advice on how to really connect deeply. Such an amazing person to journey with. He is so young at 29 yrs old. I cant imagine how powerful he will be as a healer later in his life. Amazing!!!! Read More