Nadia Manira

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Nads dedicates her expertise to helping people create sustainability for soil & soul.

Her journey started many moons ago during her travels around the globe. Nadia found the adventures put a lot of things in life into perspective, but the yoga along the way brought her back to herself. In her earlier years, yoga was exercise. In India, it was her movement towards inner peace. By removing the notion yoga is based on touching your toes, she began to discover the presence within. She stopped chasing and started living.

Yoga became a practice she was called to share, but her intention was rooted in learning to understand the language of her body, heal self-limiting beliefs & use this combined knowledge to live in a flow state of being.

Since qualifying as a yoga instructor, she has gone on to open an eco-lodge in Marrakech centered around culture, community, connection & conscious travel. In her personal practice, Nads delved deeper into womb healing to overcome trauma, which has left her feeling liberated, empowered, and embodying her cyclical nature. She is now equipped to help women heal in the same way, unlocking secrets to their sacred wisdom and warrior power. Safe. Strong. Resilient. Fearless. Free...

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