Brother B

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Integration Coach (available for one-to-one Integration sessions) |

I did not know what I was stepping into when I made the choice to travel into the Sacred Valley of Peru…

When the opportunity presented itself, fear and excitement arose within me simultaneously and deep down in my heart, I knew I needed to experience what was on the other side.

By the grace of God, I’ve been blessed with the incredible opportunity to reconnect with the truth of my soul - my roots.

I’m recognizing that after a decade of working with plant medicine, the Great Spirit is now guiding me towards being a bridge for those that feel called to do some deep inner work.

I am taking my background in storytelling and mindfulness practices to support you in resting, reflecting, and re-devoting to your soul’s calling.

My intention is to help you clarify the next chapter of your life story and support you throughout your integration process (which is the most important).

It would be an honor to walk this path with you. Read More

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