Miguel / Curandero

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Miguel was born in Cuenca, Ecuador and at an early age his perception of spirits and energies were awakened. Since he was 20 years old, he began helping taitas in ceremonies, and some time later he began to perform his own ceremonies. He first learned to work with Huachuma from Taitas of the Andes. After this he was introduced to Mama Wilka by a shaman from the North of Bolivia, and was initiated into this almost-lost Inkan tradition. He learned to work with Ayahusaca from several respected Shuar Ubishines (curanderos) in the jungle of Gualaquiza.

Miguel has a unique ability of being able to feel the pains of other people, just upon meeting them. This helps him to give excellent cleansings, which can take away physical, mental and spiritual pains and illnesses.

He is a humble, kind person and loves to teach others about his country, culture and the plants he works with.

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