
About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Brittany is passionate in her work as your Ceremonialist and Guide. She holds each plant Medicine ally with the utmost reverence. Brittany is trained and experienced. She secures and holds a safe, supportive, and sacred container for each of her ceremonies, allowing for comfort in a healing and transformational group setting. She feels ceremony and community create a container for deep and profound healing and expansion.

Brittany holds years of experience as a Ceremonialist and Psychedelic Guide in Advanced Practices. She completed her training and certification for Psychedelic Guide through Medicinal Mindfulness and completed her Breathwork training through Breathwork Worldwide. She has completed the initiatory 6-month Medicine Wheel through Q-ero Lineage practices. Brittany immerses herself in the Amazon Jungle for one month every Summer, partaking in sacred plant dietas as a student of master plants. She currently co-creates in a project, Maya Medicina, that offers Ayahuasca retreats and remedies with one of her dearest friends, Mestizo Shaman- Don David, and his lovely wife Megan. Brittany is also a Veteran and loves her fellow Veterans very dearly.

Brittany believes this work is not meant to be done alone and extends the invitation for you to join in an offering in which you feel called.

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