Pierluigi - Yoga Teacher and Assistant to Shaman

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Hello, my name is Pierluigi Minicozzi, and my dream is to live the Paradise here on earth.

I believe this begins with finding peace within ourselves.

At the peak of my earthly fulfilment, a sudden health challenge gave me the opportunity to reevaluate my life. I began listening to my heart, realizing there was no joy for me in the path I had chosen. That's when the magic of life unfolded, teaching me to give myself permission to just be.

Like Hansel and Gretel, following the breadcrumbs leading me back home, I started exploring myself through various techniques and traditions, rediscovering parts of me along the way.
Yoga reminds me that we are Spirit incarnate and that caring for and balancing our bodies is crucial to our well-being.

Sacred plants with their wisdom teach me with gentle yet firm guidance, showing me that service is an integral part of who I am.

The Essene teachings and techniques for working through the subtle planes make me feel the Creator living within me and within all things.

My mission is to serve Spirit with all the love I can muster, and I hope that my dream can be shared by as many souls as feel it.

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