
About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Christian is the founder of Neo Tantra in 2012 and the School of Mindful inspired by the Bodywork Method.

After 20 years of personal and development, group psychology, relationship management and coaching Christian successfully evolved his creativity in the music industry and the field of architecture, prior to expanding upon his passion for psychology and />
For several years Christian traveled the world learning from masters and teachers such as Joseph Kramer, Andro in Berlin, Mantak Chia and briefly with Margot Anand. In his studies he received the Tantra Masseur certification from The Diamond Lotus in Berlin.

He is a Certified Bodyworker, which is his his main focus, and he also works as a Sacred Intimate. In his efforts to expand creative Christian takes inspiration from the work of Felix Ruckert, founder of Schwelle 7 in Berlin, in finding common ways to access the ecstatic states between pleasure and pain. Read More

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