Pedro Ininito

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Born in Guatemala, the land of the Maya, Pedro has emerged as a profound
spiritual presence within the mystical realms of the lake Atitlan.
For over a decade, he has called the Lake his home and devoted
himself to study and walk the path of the Sacred Mayan Spirituality.
Pedro was guided by the teachings of Tata Pedro Cruz, a revered elder
and esteemed wisdom keeper. In this powerful Journey deeply rooted in spirituality,
Pedro spent sixteen years walking this path under his guidence.
In addition to his experience with the Sacred Fire, Pedro is also a teacher
of the intricate Mayan Cosmovision. Delving into the complexities of this system,
he teaches about the Depth of the interconnectedness of the universe
and the wisdom held within the sacred rythms of Nature.

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