Amma Sophia, is an esteemed Lemurian High Priestess of Sound, and is globally recognized for her work. She is the custodian of the Dove Codex Vocal Awakening and an Akashic Records Oracle. Trained as a water Priestess, she upholds the Sacred Water keeper lineages from various traditions. Across the globe, she has led Goddess ceremonies, Sonic Priestess trainings, and Rituals, awakening the essence of wombs, hearts, and voices through the transformative Dove Codex vocal Alchemy and the Shamanic Goddess path. Her extraordinary voice was bestowed upon her during a divine encounter with the luminescent golden light body of Goddess Sophia. The sacred Dove Codex was unveiled when the Goddess released a Dove into Amma's 3rd Eye, guiding her on a global journey to sing to sacred waters and activate hearts and wombs worldwide, rekindling the original soul Template of Sophia's lineage to manifest Heaven on Earth. These sacred codes offer instant remembrance to those carrying forward the Sophia lineage, fostering a harmonious existence. The potency of sacred sound and life's precious waters emerge as the most profound means to awaken humanity, acknowledging the vital importance of water as the essence of life.
As a global guardian of Sophia's universal wisdom and the melodic tales of creation, her voice resonates with the songs of the womb, stirring hearts and voices to articulate their inner love and compassion, awakening the collective heart of humanity.
Amma Sophia Rose is a revered sound healer and medicine woman, with over two decades of expertise in Sound Alchemy and The Shamanic Way of the Goddess. Her lifelong dedication and mission have centered around attuning to the celestial harmonies and discovering innovative methods to aid others in accessing their inner music and alchemy. Through Sonic Love Alchemy, she has empowered thousands to revive their connection to sacred sound and creative expression.
Driven by her love for music and the desire to inspire others, she imparts techniques for tapping into the well of artistic expression, enabling individuals to actualize their dreams and participate in co-creating a harmonious world as a unified consciousness.
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