Maru Huni Kuin

About the Teacher

Why study with them?


Maru was born in Brazil and is part of the Inca and Huni Kuin Tribes, and has been a Shaman since the age of seven. Both his grandfather and father have been Shaman’s for most of their lives and are renowned for studying and understanding how to use thousands of medicines native only to the Amazon forest.

Maru lived in the US for 16 years conducting ceremonies with non-native groups. He returned to Brazil in 2022 where he spent a year and a half living in the jungle practicing what he preaches by living on a very restricted diet and in solace with Mother Earth. There he had a vision on Ayahuasca telling him to return to the city to continue to spread this gift to others. By serendipity he was introduced to Mara (and MaraVilha). They both immediately felt a connection and knew this would be the place to continue his teachings. Maru is also a leader in the Yuxibu Alliance.

Maru is a devout Christian and feels that plant medicine is but a door that can be opened to the love of Christ. His teachings and treatments have been proven to help all in need with physical, emotional, mental and above all else spiritual ailments. Proficient in Portuguese, Spanish and some English, he is also a gifted musician and plays guitar and sings in beautiful indigenous and Portuguese languages before and during ceremonies.

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