Rick Broniec

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Rick Broniec, M.ED. is an author, speaker, Men’s Coach, and skilled workshop facilitator. He has been a leader of men’s trainings with the ManKind Project (MKP.org) since 1990. Rick has facilitated men’s personal growth workshops in fourteen countries on six continents for many thousands of men, which gives him a unique window into the healing needs of men. Rick has also been deeply involved in Leadership and Multicultural work for MKP and several other organizations as well.

Rick is an Amazon bestseller author of The Seven Generations Story: An Incentive to Heal Yourself, Your Family and the Planet (2015) and a Passionate Life: & Steps for Reclaiming Your Passion, Purpose and Joy (2011). Both Books are available on Amazon, Kindle and audio books.

Rick’s third book focuses on men’s healing work and was co-authored with dear friend Leonard Szymczak. This book, Power Tools for Men: A Blueprint for Healthy Masculinity, was published in May 2023 and became an instant Amazon Best Seller. You can find out much more info about Rick’s Men’s Work at: www.PowerToolsForMen.org and discover Rick’s Multicultural Awareness and Leadership Training work at: www.WisdomWindfall.com Read More

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