Felicia Thanheiser

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Felicia Thanheiser was born and grew up in southern Germany, but her roots extend beyond. She is 30% Eastern European, Scandinavian, Balkan and the last small but not insignificant remainder, Irish-Scottish and Welsh.

Connected to the ancestral line of seers, she grew up with a basic understanding of different levels of perception and dimensions and learned to work with them early on.
In her early twenties, she studied the shamanic healing techniques of Sandra Ingermann and Michael Harner in depth, which resulted in the official start of a year-long educational journey around the world. In her late twenties, she completed her first shamanic training at the Foundation of Shamanic Studies and continued her journey with great shamanic masters such as Dr. Alberto Villold and Puma Fredy Quispe Singona, but also with Dr. Gabor Maté, who fundamentally and profoundly changed her understanding and perspective on the subject of addiction and trauma.

Although she has been teaching and working in this field for many years, she always sees herself as a student and continue to specialize in healing addiction and profound trauma in conjunction with Plantspirit Medicine, Spirit Medicine and Energy Medicine as well as the depth of her own medicine, which opens a powerful space for rebirth into the original light.

Rooted in the archaic healing culture, it is a great honor and blessing for her to serve as a bridge between the worlds and to open and hold the space of unlimited possibilities for her clients.

Her Retreats are called Heart Retreats because her focus is on opening up your heart to your own medicine and become the healing you are looking for using the power you have within. And also to invite the power that is just waiting to return to you, whenever you are ready to follow the call of your soul. Out of her Experience we only partially incarnate into this life, our soul knows this and starts searching. But without knowing we might start searching in the outside and not within ourselves on the secret pathways we once created.
In her Retreats she will hold you the space to reunite with yourselve and be reborn in your true light of the consciousness of your soul to remember who you are and where you come from.

Make today the first day of our new self-determined life. Read More

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