Jonathan Sekerak

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Jonathan is a certified Somatic Breathwork Facilitator, RYT-200 Yoga Instructor, Psychospiritual Hypnotherapist, Ecotherapist and Soul Guide, working 1:1 with clients to uncover the truth they were born with, by guiding them into wilderness-based Self development work, mind-body alignment, self-designed ceremony, and shadow work. He was the founder and lead facilitator of Soul Path Brotherhood, a self development group for male-bodied gay, bi, and queer souls, and a psychospiritual connection writer at

Jonathan completed his 200-hr yoga teacher training in Andean Yoga, a hatha-vinyasa style asana inspired by the Andean Cosmovision, while living in the Sacred Valley of Peru in 2020. In 2021 he completed a Cacao Facilitator training in Talamanca, Costa Rica. He began his apprenticeship to Huachuma in 2021 under a Peruvian curandero. In 2022 he enacted a vision quest in the Sonoran Desert in the North American tradition, followed by a Master Plant Ayahuasca dieta in the Shipibo lineage in the Amazon jungle.

He has been creating and facilitating yoga and transformational retreats since 2020, in Costa Rica, Perú, Nicaragua, Colorado, and Hawaii.

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