Tapovan Tamas

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Since Tapovan's teenage years, he was fascinated by the supernatural. He knew there was much more to life than what meets the eye.

He was eager to find out what lies beyond the ordinary perception so he started inquiring into the nature of existence through yoga and meditation.

This quest eventually led him to India where he studied with his gurus and enlightened masters for several years absorbing their infinite wisdom and compassion.

They kindled the smoldering fire within him which became a burning desire to know and to experience. He realized that he needed to fully dedicate his life to the path of self-discovery and help others also to reconnect with their own inner bliss and freedom.

Intellectual knowledge is always limited regardless of how much you know but inner wisdom has an infinite nature, it is boundless. It is the knowledge worth attaining because once you “know thyself” you understand the entirety of Creation. Read More

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