Tara Magalski

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

I’m Tara Magalski, a certified Holistic Hormonal Health Counselor (CHHC and AADP), Kundalini Khalsa Way Prenatal Yoga Teacher, certified teacher of The Soul Awakening Method in Epigenetics, a breathwork facilitator, speaker, transformational event producer, and host of the Divine Lifestyles podcast. I know firsthand that our traumas are our teachers. Throughout my life, my healing journey taught me that none of the things in my past inhibited me from the full embodiment of my self-expression and purpose.

Back in 2008, I was a mess. I was inconsolable when my best friend, my mother, died after an accidental lethal combination of prescription pills and my father fell back into street drug addiction.

At 27, I floundered, questioning everything—including my purpose and what the hell I was supposed to do next. On the floor of my lower east-side NYC bedroom, I cried out in despair for reassurance, for guidance—for anything! For anything! My spark depleted, and I felt exhausted, demanding God show me what I was supposed to do with my life—or I was done living.

Suddenly, I felt a wave of calm and love wash over me. I heard a soft whisper in my spirit say, “Divine Lifestyles.” For the first moment in a long time, I listened. I heard the truth of my purpose calling me forth to rise into my full power.

This moment was a window into what was possible for me that I returned to many times over the next decade as I went further on my healing journey. But it would take many years to integrate. I got a glimpse of what true alignment could feel like after starting my business as a health & life coach. However, craving security, I took a job at Goldman Sachs.

I worked crazy long hours, and everyone was so proud of me. But I felt empty inside. The contrast between my outward success and the internal void gnawed at my spirit. My thoughts whispered:

I’m pretending to be something I’m not.

This isn’t what I was born for.

I feel disconnected from who I truly am.

My soul yearned for something more meaningful! Can you relate?

It took me many years to listen to my intuition and leave the corporate lifestyle. I spent years unweaving the attachment to my identity as this “successful”, externally validated woman who “had it all.” The truth is, no matter how hard I hustled, I wasn’t fulfilled or happy. I knew it was time to go all-in on awakening my soul’s purpose.

Since 2008, Divine Lifestyles has evolved into a soulful journey of expression, healing, and self-remembrance. Over the last 15 years, I’ve hosted retreats and high-profile events, from intimate women’s circles to producing 30,000 people at Super Bowl 51 working with Taylor Swift, and Bruno Mars, to live shows at Radio City Music Hall, the VMAs, and the Grammys.

I’ve helped thousands of women like you transcend past traumas and rise up to the calling of their true purpose, both online and in-person.

At the core of my work is the unshakeable belief that it's your birthright to live in alignment with your soul's blueprint.

My mission is to guide women like you to find the beauty in the mess of life, so you can stand authentically in the truth of who you are.

I know what it takes to prioritize my own healing amidst the chaos of life. Only in the last 8 months, I went through endometriosis/fibroid surgery, multiple failed rounds of IVF, a miscarriage at 10 weeks, and my father's death to stage four cancer.

At the beginning of 2023, I needed to reconnect to who I truly am, what I am here to do, and my true essence because my grief and trauma were overwhelming. So, I grabbed a one-way ticket to Mexico. I’ve been coming to Tulum, MX, since 2012 and I always come back to Mexico’s healing land to REMEMBER that we are none of the things that happen to us, the grief, trauma, pain, or suffering.

I believe that every trauma you’ve experienced is an access point to your personal power. Our traumas are our teachers. I’m committed to holding sacred spaces where we as women can rise up. And I am finally ready to share the healing modalities that were the catalyst for my personal transformation.

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