Yogini J'aime Blakely

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Our lead instructor, Yogini J’aime, has been practicing and studying Yoga since 2006.

During this time, she has studied several styles of Modern Postural Yoga extensively in the US, Mexico, and in India — including Ashtanga, Hatha, and Vinyasa.

J'aime’s education as an instructor and guide include four teaching certifications in these formats, in addition to countless hours of intensive workshops and individual personal training with revered yogis and yoginis, an M.A. in Psychology, and a Doctorate in Metaphysical Science.

Her personal practice is focused on the Ashtanga as detailed in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. However, she has also wandered the paths of depth psychology, Qabalah, shamanism, esotericism, comparative religious studies, interspirituality, magic, martial arts, ritual, and mysticism.

J'aime’s Master’s degree in Psychology comes with a specialization in Consciousness, Spirituality, and Integrative Health; focusing on Yoga Psychology and the application of the Ashtanga system as an adjunctive treatment for PTSD and complex trauma.

J’aime has also received an Msc.D., a Doctorate in Metaphysical Science, where her thesis and dissertation were on the subtle body systems of Classical Hatha and Tantra Yoga.

During the process of this degree program, J’aime received her ministerial ordination from the university seminary and her reiki master certification. She is also a black belt in Tae Kwon Do.

Yogini J’aime is dedicated to bringing together these many different modalities to form a transformational process of self-realization, integrative health, and spiritual practice that provides a lifestyle framework in adherence with Yogic principles for full mind/body wellness.

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